»How to learn CSS« von Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew hat schon 2019 beschrieben, wie man am besten CSS lernen kann:

Ich fand schon den ersten Absatz gut:

You don’t need to commit to memorizing every CSS Property and Value, as there are good places to look them up. There are some fundamental things, however, which will make CSS much easier for you to use.

Und hier ihre Empfehlungen der Reihe nach:

  • Language Fundamentals
    • Selectors
    • Inheritance and the Cascade
    • The Box Model
    • Normal Flow
    • Formatting Contexts
    • Being in or out of Flow
  • Layout
    • Flexbox and Grid
    • Alignment
    • Sizing
  • Responsive Design
  • Fonts and Typography
  • Transforms and Animation
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